目前分類:其他 (3)

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I read Kafka’s Die Verwandlung (變形記by 卡夫卡) at Elite Bookshop last night.

The leading character, 葛雷戈, was the mainly economic resource in the family. His father was retired and stayed at home with his monther, and his little sister was such a talented violinist that he planned to let her study in a musical college. The family depended on him heavily, that the reason why he sill took the job he did not like.

One day, however, he woke up, and found that he became an ant. That means he could not work anymore. What ironic was that his family became independent after his transformation. His father and sister found jobs and they rented an empty room for money; nevertheless, they did not take care葛雷戈 well because of the monstrous appearance. He died, eventually, and none of his family took look at his body, not to mention cried for him.

One person, used to be the important role, died, and the rest of the family get reborn. Because the rest of family had to survive, they needed to make change. Still, the way they treat葛雷戈 is really unethical, especially considering his contributions to the family.

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