目前分類:不只有呼吸的生活 (129)
- Dec 18 Thu 2014 00:00
- Dec 17 Wed 2014 01:39
- Dec 15 Mon 2014 21:32
偏偏我又是個很會顧慮東顧慮西的人,很多東西都會讓我拿不定主意,像是網路訂英國火車票,我就一直在想是該選住宿附近的火車站先行拿票,還是要到出發當天在到那個火車站領?又或者,在線上預訂The Phantom Of The Opera的票時,也不知道是座一樓前面好還是二樓前面好?
面對這些大大小小的困惑與徬徨,我能做的就是不斷上網查查查,看看一般人普遍的建議是什麼,但看完了大家的經驗談之後,我心裡還是會冒出大大小小的疑惑,讓我不能乾脆地接受這些建議。好比網路上大家說Her Majesty's Theatre(也就是The Phantom Of The Opera演出的戲院)二樓前面可以完整地看到所有舞台,能夠看到場景變化的狀況。我想要接受大部分人建議的二樓,但心裡又會想這些人該不會是沒坐過1樓前面才會覺得一樓前面的視覺效果不如二樓前面好。然後又開始陷入煩躁的狀況,不知道如何決定才好。
- Jul 22 Tue 2014 00:15
- Jul 02 Wed 2014 00:13
講剪卡好像有點怪,感覺好像是剪掉信用卡,但我只是把一般尺寸SIM卡裁成micro SIM,所以其實應該說是修卡。
這次換手機,手機的規格就是micro SIM,服務小姐也說未來的趨勢是micro SIM卡,也不知是真的假的。因為之前在網路上就看到有人分享裁卡成功的心得,所以買手機的時候也就躍躍欲試,想自己動手割,還可以省300元換卡費。
- Jul 01 Tue 2014 19:56
Summer school
以前看到別人暑假出國到名校的Summer School,就覺得很羨慕,但現在自己留在學校上summer semester卻有種受困牢籠的無力感。在眼前等著我的是碩論口試和教學PK,壓力是有的,雖然我也知道專業是透過一次次修練才能換來,但我現在還是覺得這些東西很煩!
- Jun 14 Sat 2014 23:52

6/15 補注
後來想想 那真的只是一張運動後打赤膊的照片 但為什麼我會有自己很骯髒的感覺
- Feb 11 Tue 2014 20:01
- Oct 09 Wed 2013 22:57
以前在成大讀書的時候,因為覺得高鐵這個方案太囉唆,還都沒買過呢!(打折了還是買不下手也是原因 ==")
今天為了把握雙十節假期,老子晚上七點上完鋼琴幼幼班後,發狠從學校徒步走到火車站(還迷路從春水堂又走回全球戲院,我都嚇傻了 TOT),搭火車到高鐵站,然後排隊時才發現一堆人跟我一樣,打優待票的主意,排隊人龍彎彎曲曲。預定的班次還都賣完了,我只好買晚一班次,而且為了避免向隅憾事在我身上重演,我連回程的五折票也買了。
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 04:28
最近真的傻傻的 @@
- Oct 24 Wed 2012 00:45
tomorrow is my big day. i am going to participant the exam of substitute teacher election. i am so anxious now. although the competition may not be very intense, the exam itself makes me anxious. i have to demonstrate a teaching program, which mainly is an act. i play the role of a teacher and there will be no students but only the judges. i pretty worry i would forget my lines or stutter at the stage. that looks like very unprofessional.
- Feb 12 Sat 2011 03:34
for the conference in Istanbul
On today’s lab meeting I did not tell Ms. Ko about my plan of attending the international conference in Turkey, thought I had planned to do so.
I think this conference thing would go smoothly, because, to my knowledge, Ms. Ko is always happy to see her students attending all kinds of conferences and to see one more conference paper adding on her publication list.
Even so, there still are lots of pre-work jobs needed to be finished for the coming discussions with Ms. Ko and for the financial support from National Science Council.
So keep working!!!
- Feb 11 Fri 2011 02:53
Tomorrow will be the first meeting of this semester, though it was still on the winter vacation.
This winter vacation, which would possible my last one in my life, is as good as my possible last summer vacation. I met lots of old friend. 柏如學姐, I had not met her one year. 崇凱 and 凱銘, servicing as navy with me in Matzu, I had not met them for almost four years. 亭萱, my college classmate, I met her every summer and winter vacation every time she came to Tainan. I did not take any picture with them resulting form awkwardness. That was quite a pity!
In order to attend the first lab meeting of this term on Friday and to adjust the coming back academic life, I came back on Wednesday. I went to jog today. However, the jogging was not so good. I did not even finish one-hour running. My legs were strengthless, which might result from the lack of practice these days. actually, that was really a wired feeling. But, I, positively, believe the condition will be recovered soon!!!
- Jan 31 Mon 2011 01:58
Today I went to Taichung to visit my friend, 崇凱.
Taichung train station was quite different from the one in my memory. It looked smaller and dirtier now.
崇凱 became different, too. He had not done his haircut for two month. Now his hair looked like a Pom-pom (彩球). Besides, he chewed areca catechu(檳榔)now.
We hang out at 逢甲night market. The clothes there were great, but I guessed they were expensive, too. There were so many people in the night market that we have to wait for a long time to get my food. However, this night market was not as good as those in Tainan. Food there was little and not so delicious. Actually, Tainan was much better.
But, no matter how the food was there, it was still good to meet the old friend. BTW, when going to Ho-Hsin bus station to check the timetable, I accidentally met 秋萍, what a coincidence!
- Jan 29 Sat 2011 03:33
After Tainan Ancient Capital International Marathon, my toes felt uncomfortable, so I took some days for rest. The day before yesterday, I went back to jog. Finishing eight rounds in Tzu-Chiang campus, NCKU, only took me 61 minutes, which is my new record. When I was back in NCKU Prince Dormitory; however, I found the nails of my toes got bruise. Information shared on the Running Board of PTT said that the nail bruises were common among the long-distant runners and might result from over tight shoes. Tight shoes would keep the toes hitting the shoe inside in running.
In the last marathon, the food surveyor also recommend me to buy a new shoes after he knew I had wore this one for two years. Maybe it is the time, but I need budget!!!

- Jan 25 Tue 2011 02:15
It was a normal day except for the terrible circadian rhythms.
Coding data was almost done.
I started to take 慢食府城 as my guide of eating. That’s great. This made the meal time more interesting, thought more money and time were spent.
- Jan 24 Mon 2011 02:55
my second half marathon
Today, I woke up at 5:20. At that moment, I thought I would give up this marathon due to the tiredness. However, I was not actually as tired as I expected, especially after five minutes.
On my way to the city hall, it was still dark. Even after start of the marathon, it was still dark. I could help but think “Is this real?” or”Is this a night-time marathon?”
This is my second half marathon. Compare to Taipei International Marathon, this time the runners were fewer, so it was faster to pass the start line. Besides, in my observation, the walking runners were also fewer, which might indicate the runners in this marathon were better.
Gladly, this was the first time I joint marathon without stopping to walk! That’s GREAT!
In the main place of marathon, the service of measurement of feet size was offered. According to the result, I was 一般足弓 and 一般楦頭。 Strange as it might sound that a runner said he would like to take a picture of my result. It was wired, because the result was like a kind of privacy. However I still allow him doing that because it seemed rude to turn him down.
My jogging paint was so short that my pubic hairs were uncovered when sitting down on a chair waiting for a measurement. That was embarrassing! So I wore the long jogging paint additionally. But honestly, Mizuno jogging paint was not comfortable to wear. after wearing that in the whole half marathon, my skin was hurt.
But, no matter what it was a good experience!!!
- Jan 23 Sun 2011 01:03
Tomorrow, mmmm….m, actually it’s today, I will join my second half marathon; that is, I have to wake up at almost 5; that is, I really have to go to bed RIGHT NOW!!!
and goodbye my 28th birthday~~~
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 03:08

On the day before my 28th birthday, the book, Existential Counselling & Psychotherapy in Practice (2nd Edition), recommended by me for the first time, arrived!!!!
- Jan 21 Fri 2011 02:51
Facebook cyber-game psychology:
Initial phase: so interesting! I want to level up ASAP!!!
Middle phase: keeping working~
Final phase: that’s it. start to consider whether it is worth.