
威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區的一項新研究正開始除去部分迷思。在生理精神醫學期刊上,研究者指出過動症治療藥主要作用於前額葉(prefrontal cortex, PFC),那是個與注意力、進行決策及展現個別人格特質有關的大腦區塊。


「在給過動兒童服用可能會讓他們使用上癮的藥物上,已有許多疑慮。但為了研發出更好的藥劑,我們必須先瞭解現在市面上的藥物是如何產生作用的。」威大麥迪遜校區心理學教授柏軍(Craig Berridge)表示。






為了解開這個疑惑,伯軍和他的研究團對三個被認為是過動症治療藥所作用的大腦區域進行神經傳導物質的濃度監測:前額葉以及其他兩個較小的區域,也就是與「增強效果(rewards)」有關的伏隔核(nucleus accumbens),還有會引起感覺反應與行動的內側隔核(medial septum)。

研究者先進行實驗操弄及行為測試以確認運用在老鼠身上的藥劑量等同於一般人所使用的。之後,藉由一種腦波探測(brain probe),也就是微透析技術(microdialysis),威大麥迪遜分校的研究團隊測量在施予低劑量的過動症藥物與完全不施予的情況下,多巴胺及正腎上腺素在這三種區域的狀態。




其他對於此研究有貢獻的人有威大威大麥迪遜分校的研究團隊的岱維比思(Devilbiss)、安佐查威思基(Andrzejewski)、凱利(Kelley)、契米爾(Schmeichel)、漢米頓(Hamilton) 以及史潘爾(Spencer),還有耶魯醫學院的安史特(Arnsten)。


除了原文外,另外引用兩篇跟伏隔核(nucleus accumbens)有一點點關係的文章,第一篇是用基因解釋喜新厭舊的原因,第二篇就是認為ADHD是因為伏隔核(nucleus accumbens)含有過多多巴胺的舊研究(也就是所謂的迷思),不過裡面對於有伏隔核(nucleus accumbens)與PFC的運作機轉有更詳細的說明。

Study Reveals How ADHD Drugs Work In Brain

Although millions depend on medications such as Ritalin to quell symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), scientists have struggled to pinpoint how the drugs work in the brain.

But new work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is now starting to clear up some of the mystery. Writing in the journal Biological Psychiatry, UW-Madison researchers report that ADHD drugs primarily target the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region of the brain that is associated with attention, decision-making and an individual's expression of personality.

The finding could prove invaluable in the search for new ADHD treatments, and comes amidst deep public concern over the widespread abuse of existing ADHD medicines.

"There's been a lot of concern over giving a potentially addictive drug to a child [with ADHD]," says lead author Craig Berridge, a UW-Madison professor of psychology. "But in order to come up with a better drug we must first know what the existing drugs do."

A behavioral disorder that afflicts both children and adults, ADHD is marked by hyperactivity, impulsivity and an inability to concentrate. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 2 million children in the U.S. suffer from the condition, with between 30 to 70 percent of them continuing to exhibit symptoms in their adult years.

Despite public anxiety over the treatment of a behavioral condition with pharmacological drugs, doctors have continued to prescribe meds like Adderall, Ritalin and Dexedrine because - quite simply - they work better than anything else.

ADHD drugs fall into a class of medications known as stimulants. ADHD stimulants boost levels of two neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers in the brain, known as dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is thought to play a role in memory formation and the onset of addictive behaviors, while norepinephrine has been linked with arousal and attentiveness.

Berridge notes that scientists have learned little about how ADHD drugs work because past studies have primarily examined the effects of the medicines at high doses. High-dose stimulants can cause dramatic spikes in neurotransmitter levels in the brain, which can in turn impair attention and heighten the risk of developing addiction.

"It is surprising that no one was looking at low-dose [ADHD] drugs because we know that the drugs are most effective only at low doses," says Berridge. "So we asked the natural question: what are these drugs doing at clinically relevant doses?"

To answer that question, Berridge and his team monitored neurotransmitter levels in three different brain regions thought to be targeted by ADHD drugs: the PFC and two smaller brain areas known as the accumbens which has been linked with processing "rewards," and the medial septum, which has been implicated in arousal and movement.

Working with rats, the researchers conducted laboratory and behavioral tests to ensure that animal drug doses were functionally equivalent to doses prescribed in humans. Then, using a type of brain probe - a process known as microdialysis - the UW-Madison team measured concentrations of dopamine and norepinephrine in the three different brain areas, both in the presence and absence of low-dose ADHD stimulants.

Under the influence of ADHD drugs, dopamine and norepinephrine levels increased in the rats' PFC. Levels in the accumbens and medial septum, however, remained much the same, the scientists found.

"Our work provides pretty important information on the importance of targeting the PFC when treating ADHD," says Berridge, "In particular it tells us that if we want to produce new ADHD drugs, we need to target [neurotransmitter] transmission in the PFC."

In the future, Berridge and his colleagues plan to look deeper within the PFC to gain more detailed insights into how ADHD meds act on nerves to enhance cognitive ability.

Other researchers who contributed to the study include UW-Madison co-authors David Devilbiss, Matthew Andrzejewski, Ann Kelley, Brooke Schmeichel, Christina Hamilton and Robert Spencer, and Yale Medical School researcher Amy Arnsten.

Source: ScienceDaily (2006/10/9)


在腦部深處,有一塊叫做「伏隔核」(nucleus accumbens)的區域,充滿了製造和回應多巴胺的神經元。在這塊區域釋出多巴胺使人覺得非常舒服。







Source: Common Health (2006/10/9)

[Jul 17, 2000]


編輯 Gene 報導
科學家懷疑一些兒童在出生時缺氧會導致精神失常,例如attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)。McGill Univ.的Alain Gratton等人發表在Journal of Neuroscience的一項用老鼠作的實驗能夠用來驗證這個理論。


患有ADHD的兒童會高度情緒化、思緒不易集中和過度活躍。他們可以施於Ritalin來治療,它能控制腦中神經傳導物質dopamine的含量。腦通過其reward pathway來釋放dopamine,其作用的主要目標為 nucleus accumbens。如果長時期地被dopamine所刺激,例如服用安非他命,會使人感到極度興奮和充滿活力。Dopamine的作用一般是短效的,dopamine transporter會把它清除掉,這個機制出了問題會嚴重地影響到行為。

科學家認為ADHD患者的nucleus accumbens含有太多dopamine,但其他地方如right prefrontal cortex則含有太少。Right prefrontal cortex的作用為維持注意力的集中和壓力的處理等。 Gratton的小組發現剖腹產的老鼠對壓力的反應異常,和正常的老鼠比較,牠們的prefrontal cortices的右側含有較少量dopamine。這些老鼠可能在該區域含有較高量的dopamine transporter,結果把dopamine給清除掉了。



Brake, W. G., Sullivan, R.M. & Gratton, A. Perinatal distress leads to lateralized medial prefrontal cortical dopamine hypofunction in adult rats. The Journal of Neuroscience 20, 5538-5543 (2000).

Source: Sciscape 科景(2006/10/9)


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