目前分類:不只有呼吸的生活 (129)

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  • Sep 22 Wed 2010 01:12
  • 9/21

Tomorrow is Chinese Luna Festival; in Taiwanese tradition, people will do BBQ on that day. But, we did it today in a Japanese BBQ restaurant. While eating, Lorraine said Hilmar still kept doing the project he did (but failed) in Taiwan and he would find some reason to come here again. It was exciting to hear this. If he really wants to come, I hope he would come before my internship so that I would have more time to hang out with him.

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  • Sep 21 Tue 2010 02:56
  • 9/20

overcome all defects to become a better man!!!

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  • Sep 20 Mon 2010 01:39
  • 9/19

Today, the typhoon left Taiwan. What the funny thing was the wind and rain became fucking stronger after the Tainan city government announced there would be no off tomorrow due to the weather would be fine. Luckily, the government finally changed its mind, so there would be a day off officially.

However, whether or not I would have a day off depended on my advisor. If she decided the lab meeting to be held as usual, that would be the normal Monday as I usually have.

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  • Sep 18 Sat 2010 00:42
  • 9/17

Last night, I went to bed at 4 in the morning but could not fall asleep, because I kept thinking my scale and I found there were lots of things to be worried about psychometric properties and validity data. I was so anxious that I got up, turned on my computer and started to write the abstract. When the job was finished, it was almost thirty pass ten.

I am so tired now due to the lack of sleep.

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  • Sep 17 Fri 2010 02:36
  • 9.15

This is the first week of new semester. Next week will be the third and last time to choose the course. As I said before, I would take 12 credits in this semester. The least credits I have ever taken since entering the graduation. Sometimes, I would think if I should take more courses to improve my competence as a clinical psychologist. But I also know that there would be a lot of things to be done in this semester, including writing the article and preparing the TOFEL. That means lots of time will be cost for get these things done. Maybe 12 credits may be enough for me.

Actually, I do not know what I am supposed to do. Maybe finally I would take one more course. I said maybe.

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  • Sep 16 Thu 2010 00:15
  • 9/14

I have tried to write something on my blog every, but I did not do so last two days.

The main reason for that is for the analysis of my data.

On the first night of this semester, I even discussed that with my advisor till the 3 o’clock in the morning!!! What a terrible beginning!

On the next night, I kept analyzing the data and, sadly, the result was not consistent with my expectation. I was freaked out.

Fortunately, my advisor, who was supposed to be in Taichung tonight, called me and my classmate to discuss with her. In the discussion, the topic that I will represent at the upcoming annual conference held by Taiwanese Psychological Association in Chiayi was decided.

Actually, I am looking forward to presenting in this conference as a graduate student of my school, because I had been to the same academic conference on my last year of college and hoped I could do the same thing one day. Obviously, my dream will come true!!

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  • Sep 13 Mon 2010 00:19
  • 9/12

The new semester will start tomorrow. Although I know I am no supposed to say this, however I really hate to face all the upcoming busy life. Hope everything will be fine.

I take 12 credits in this semester, but I would probably take another 3-credit course about multi-variance analysis, if the class timetable conflict problem could be solved.

But even I will take 15 credits finally, this semester will still be the one that I take the least credits ever. But that is ok, because I need some additional time to write my article about the development of negative self-focused thinking/rumination questionnaire. I hope that article will be submitted in this semester. Fighting!

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  • Sep 12 Sun 2010 02:12
  • 9/11

There are many international students living in the Prince dormitory of NCKU. Tonight when waiting for the elevator, I saw a tall and young black man with a female Taiwanese. The female was at around age 30 and wore to much makeup on her sagging skin. She seemed to be happy to go inside the male dormitory with a young black man. She even said, “Screw you.” to the black man in the elevator, I thought she meant she was going to SCREW the black man tonight.

Sometimes girls would go to the male dormitory, and vice versa. Every now and then, I would wonder what kind of manner the one should have when going to opposite-sexed dormitory. No matter what it would be, laughing like a slut is not one of them.

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  • Sep 11 Sat 2010 02:42
  • 9/10

Today was quite a ordinary day. If there was anything special, it had to be going to the Line travel agency(雄獅旅行社) for applying my passport. Without a passport, I can not sign in the TOFET. However, I thought I still have to study harder because the time for preparation is limited and Leiden university has a high english standard. Hence, if I would like to participate to the exchange student program of Leiden university, I have to study harder. I believe I can make it!

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  • Sep 09 Thu 2010 22:01
  • 9/9

Tonight, I went to have dinner at around 7 o'clock. The moment I opened my door, I saw my new neighbor standing in front of me (I used to took out the pre-paid electricity card when leaving, and that would make some BB sounds. I believed it were the sounds that told my neighbor I was leaving.). He hoped I could close the door more slightly. I was shocked at that moment, because I never shutted the door loundly. I could help but keep saying “I l close the door too loudly.” at least twice. My neighbor absolutely misinterpreted my reaction. He thought I was embarrassed, so he kept saying, “That’s OK. Just hope you could close the door more slightly.” Obviously there was something wrong with his theory of mind.

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  • Sep 09 Thu 2010 01:48
  • 9/8

I went to ncku hospital to examine whether I had been infected with TB, and luckily everrything was OK.

After the examination, I took high speed train station to Chiayi (嘉義) for the worship.

I come back Tainan and went to the Wusaint (武聖) nightmarket with classmates of graduation school.

After that, I went to play pool alone. Though I could not focuse sometimes, I played well. I cleared the talbe four times within one and half hours. Tonight, I found that the right position could help me predict the trajectory and correct the point of the cue ball I aimed at. That was my hugh improvement today.

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FOCUSE! ~Hilmar (2010)

Tonight, I went to play pool with Lisa and Lorraine. I did what Hilmar had taught me, i.e. focsuing on the pool while playing instead of thinking how I was supposed to do.

I did not totally focuse on the pool all the time, I mean, I still tried to figure out how I could pot the balls sometimes. However, when I focused, I could sometimes sense the line existing through the pocket, cue ball, objective ball, and myself. I could correct my stroke depending on the line, and most of time the objective ball was potted.

Like Hilmar said, we could not know whether the ball would be potted before we stroke. The uncertainty would make me feel anxious, and the easiest way to get rid of the anxious feeling is to stroke immediately. Most of those kind strokes would fail due to poor focuse. Hence, learning to face and deal with the anxiety is my new lesson.

I think I would feel anxiety under uncertain situation, because in my mind I hope I could pot the ball. If I do not make it, I fail to be the ideal self. BUT, maybe there is not supposed to have an ideal self in the very beinging, because the one staies in the moment is the REAL me.

I tried to figure out the soultion to the anxiety in perspective of mindfulness, but it seemed not so convincing. I konw that means I need to learn more.

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  • Sep 06 Mon 2010 00:49
  • 9/5








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  • Aug 26 Thu 2010 00:45
  • 8/25




他平常不太會吃mid-night snack,只是今天是在台南的最後一晚,所以到了勝利早餐買了煎餃帶回來宿舍裡一邊看DVD一邊吃。我說當我瞇聽到很晚的時候,也會來道育樂街買東西,但是在我點完餐以後,我就開始後悔了,因為其實我根本不餓。他大笑。


他說,很難想像自己在7天後就要開始研究生生活,但自己現在卻還在台南悠哉,我跟他說在我們有俗話說"風雨前的寧靜"(Quite before the strome),他大笑說,沒錯就是這樣!













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  • Aug 25 Wed 2010 03:35
  • 8/24

其實現在已經是八月25的3點半了,今天是老外荷馬在台南的最後一天,但是因為今天莉莎必須準備明天的Lab meeting,所以今天出遊大隊不能成行。



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  • Aug 24 Tue 2010 01:32
  • 8/23



雖然知道不可能一直像這樣幾乎全天候的跟他Hang out,特別是新學期就即將開始,但是還是覺得捨不得,因為所裡大概也沒有其他人可以不斷跟我打桌球、Pool、保齡球或大魯閣等等等。可能是因為預見即將又要開始乏味的生活,所以才讓老外的離開更加讓我覺得可惜。

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  • Aug 23 Mon 2010 02:03
  • 8/22


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  • Aug 22 Sun 2010 00:14
  • 8/21



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